A Success Formula

I learned a simple success formula earlier in my life after attending a Tony Robbins event and this has served me well. I have evolved it after being exposed to coaching and Positive Psychology. It was a simple three steps formula:

Step 1:  Know with clarity what you want.
step 2: Find people or organizations that have achieved the results you want.
Step3: Model their behaviors and do what they have done while being flexible to adapt their approach to your unique situation.

While this strategy has worked well, I have found that adding a fourth step, which I call step zero makes it an even stronger approach to a successful career transition. Step O is to know yourself. Knowing yourself should be a starting point for any change process. When you know yourself, you are aware of your strengths, values, emotional tone, aspirations, your high and low moments, your relationships, etc. Self-awareness is key to a successful life and career. Knowing yourself has been referred as knowing your real self by Dr. Boyatzis and scientifically valid instruments and techniques have been developed to help anyone willing to increase self-awareness. Our team at AFRIQUE PROSPERE EDUCATION is trained and has experience in using such tools to help you develop your self-awareness so you can be successful in your job hunting.

Step 1 Is knowing with clarity what you want, and this is important for several reasons. Most people can articulate things they do not want but find it hard to clearly state what they want in their life or career. Clear and positively stated goals have been associated with several positive outcomes such as an increased well-being, resilience in the face of obstacles, and increased goal attainment. In job hunting, knowing exactly what you want can speed up the process and get you hired quickly because knowing what you want can increase your confidence, improve your motivation and decision-making, and boost your enthusiasm.

Like for step 0, knowing what you want has been referred to as knowing your ideal self and this is usually done through visioning, imaginary, and goal setting. We are happy to lead you through this journey so that you can attain those positive outcomes and get the job of your dream. Knowing yourself and what is it that you want should help you to come up with a plan of how to get from where you are to where you want to be. But do not worry if you have no idea of how to create such a plan. You will discuss this with you AFRIQUE PROSPERE coach during your free coaching sessions.

Step 2 is finding people or organizations that have archived the results you are after. This step is key and can transform years of struggles into hours of success and accomplishment because success in any endeavor is not an alone game. Relationships and especially trusting relationships can open doors of opportunities you have never dreamed of and provide you with the necessary support to seize those opportunities. Here at AFRIQUE PROSPERE EDUCATION, we have people who have been in your shoes and have been able to develop strong relationships that have translated into professional success. We will teach you the same techniques in our courses on LinkedIn and networking and success philosophy.

Step 3 is all about modeling the successful behaviors of those who have succeeded and customizing your action plan to your unique context. Here is where most people fail. They fail to take action, they fail to make a call, they fail to reach out, they fear rejection and failure, they face doubt, etc. We have all been there, but our coaching approach is set in a way that will support you in safely taking actions so that your dream can become a reality. You will learn some vital skills such as personal initiative, going the extra mile, self-discipline, imagination, time management, masterminds, and creative vision that will put you naturally on the path of massive actions that will lead to quick results in your job-hunting efforts. If you are not part of our community, please call us today or schedule a free 30-minute consultation to start the process of your career transformation.