Why Working On Yourself Is The Second Step

In a previous article, I introduced the topic of goal setting. This is an interesting and vast subject on which thousands of books have been written given its importance. Personally, every successful person I’ve had to study has hammered on the importance of setting goals. Given the importance of this subject, our organization holds a […]

A Success Formula

I learned a simple success formula earlier in my life after attending a Tony Robbins event and this has served me well. I have evolved it after being exposed to coaching and Positive Psychology. It was a simple three steps formula: Step 1:  Know with clarity what you want. step 2: Find people or organizations […]

The Key To A Transformative Job Is A Transformed Mindset

You have probably heard this said several times that you cannot get different results if you are doing the same things that are responsible for your current results. This is true not only in life but also in career transition. You cannot expect to land the job of your dream by waving a magic wand […]

The Time To Have A Map

In 2010, while I was training with Brendon Burchard, I heard him say: In Montana we say: “the time to have the map is before entering the woods” What does that mean? It simply means that you cannot navigate comfortably the woods without using a map (or a tour guide). It is a metaphor that […]